(Department of BCA, Batch : 2017-2020)
University Roll No. : 15201219082
The dark web is that part of the internet or rather the world wide web that exits on dark nets and overlay networks which can be accessed by some specific softwares and some specific browsers.The sites of the dark web are not indexed in the normal world wide web.These are accessed by gaining access to some proxy servers where the parts of the dark web are indexed.

Actually the dark web contains some peer-to-peer networks which are accessed by some techniques which are not used in normal internet browsing. These techniques include using the browser in half-window mode. The users of the dark web refer the surface web as clear web due to its clear and unencrypted nature. The dark web is accessed by using the famous Tor Browser. The other browsers which can be used to access the dark web are Freenet,I2P which are maintained by organisations or individuals. The Tor dark web or onionland maintains the anonymity of its traffic by using the technique of onion routing.
TERMINOLOGY: The dark web which is also called the dark net are those parts of the internet which are not indexed by the search engines. The dark web is actually a part of the deep web but it requires some specific software and some specific system configuration to access them.

The onion routing is actually the method or rather the procedure to maintain anonymity while browsing over the internet. It means that you are actually on the internet but no one has its traces. In onion routing the message is encapsulated in different layers of encryption , which is similar to that of the layers of an onion. The encrypted data is transmitted through the different nodes which are also called the onion routers.

The TOR Browser is a free and open source software which maintains the anonymity of an IP while browsing the internet. It is especially used to browse through the dark web , as maintaining the anonymity is a very important and an essential point to be kept in mind while browsing the dark web. The TOR Browser was developed by TOR Projects in the year 2002.

The TOR Browser directs an IP
found here. So it is a place for the bad people and for this reason vigilance is maintained here by different government agencies all over the world. It also dangerous for a person who is curious of the dark web to browser this place. The dark web is often considered as the place for different social activists and journalists to publish something which is censore
through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network consisting of seven thousand relays used to hide the IP and the activities of an IP from survilleance and network analysis. Using TOR makes it difficult to trace the IP and the activities of an user.
The main reason behind this question is that , the dark web is not the place for a normal web user. The dark web is actually a place for the dangerous hackers , criminals and different anti-social groups. The dark web is a place where all types of banned substances (in any form) is found. Ranging from arms and ammunition to controlled substances , hiring hit mans and child pornography every thing is found here. So it is a place for the bad people and for this reason vigilance is maintained here by different government agencies all over the world. It also dangerous for a person who is curious of the dark web to browser this place. The dark web is often considered as the place for different social activists and journalists to publish something which is censored in that nation. Thus this place becomes the place for posting something anonymously.
As the dark web is a place for all types of criminal activities , so the bad people are required to hide their identity and locations for avoiding to get caught. There is a place in the dark web called the joker market or the joker joker’s stach where all types of illegal things are found. Recently there was a news that about 10 million people’s card details were sold in this place.
So one can clearly understand how much dangerous the dark web is.

The dark web is a part of the deep web which is accessible from some specific softwares. But the dark web is a place not for the common people. This place is very dangerous. If you are not forced under some important reason to browser the dark web then do not browse it.
This topic is simply for educational purpose and not meant for anything bad for the people and for the society.
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